2008年5月4日 星期日

Ares is a free open source file sharing program

Ares 2.0.9 is out!
Ares is a free open source file sharing program that enables users to share any digital file including images, audio, video, software, documents, etc.
You may now easily publish your files through the Ares decentralized network. As a member of the virtual community, you can search and download just about any file shared by other users. Latest versions support BitTorrent protocol and Shoutcast radio stations.
With Ares you can also join chat rooms or host your channel and meet new friends.




Ares is a nice p2p program for Windows. There are many features to Ares that you will not find in any other p2p program out there.Ares is a free open source file sharing program that enables users to share any digital file including images, audio, video, software, documents, etc.

You may now easily publish your files through the Ares decentralized network. As a member of the virtual community, you can search and download just about any file shared by other users. With Ares you can also join chat rooms or host your channel and meet new friends.


Ares采用TCP通訊方式,登陸時連接不同端口的多個服務器,Ares還會通過UDP來驗證服務器的狀態和同步信息,并且可以通過服務器進入聊天室并和 其他用戶在線聊天(TCP方式,無固定端口)。Ares支持SOCK4、SOCK5代理以及使用多重代理服務器。


由于Ares端口是隨機的不固定的,所以已經不能通過傳統的封堵端口的方式來限制Ares的使用。 我們建議您可以采用以下兩種方式來管理Ares:

  • 1). 采用IP封堵的方式,把發現的Ares的登陸IP全部封堵掉。(由于服務器IP很多,這種方法效果不是很有效)
  • 2). 使用專用的上網監控軟件,專業的上網監控軟件可以對網絡數據進行分析過濾,從中篩選出Ares通訊數據,進而封堵掉該鏈接實現監控。

