那就趕快來試試看由Ron Hornbaker所做的statsaholic.com吧!
一進入首頁就會看到五個文字方塊提供你輸入網址,輸入完後按下"Show Trafic Graphs"就可以觀看你所輸入的網站們的比較圖囉!(資料來源是跟提供資料的Alexa.com一樣,圖表也提供了從七天到5年的資料,也可以選擇要看網站到達率或是排名,可以由使用者自行選擇。
2007年9月13日 星期四
你可以這一作,你可以使用簡單的方式,當你有個GMAIL的帳號的時候,假設您的帳號是 當你在某個網站samplesite.com註冊您的信箱資料的時候,您可以使用下面方式輸入您相關的資訊, 的格式輸入,當GMAIL收到信件的時候看到"+"的信箱位置的時候,GMAIL知道您的使用帳號是
就可以正常寄收信件,這時候當您發現到你的信箱帳號在垃圾名單的時候 你就知道是哪一個網站把你的信箱賣了。
When you give your email address to a website, you hope that they don't sell or trade your address to a bunch of spammers. Well if they do, here is a simple way to see what sites are responsible for what particular piece of email. This requires you have a Gmail account. If your Gmail login name was and you went to to fill out a registration form, instead of just entering as your email, enter it as instead. When Gmail sees a "+" in an email address, it uses all the characters to the left of the plus sign to know who to send it to. In this example it would still send it to Now whats cool is if you search Gmail for username+samplesitecom, you will see all massages that were sent to that email address. To see who is responsible for sending a specific message click the Show Details link and you will see the complete address.
你可以這一作,你可以使用簡單的方式,當你有個GMAIL的帳號的時候,假設您的帳號是 當你在某個網站samplesite.com註冊您的信箱資料的時候,您可以使用下面方式輸入您相關的資訊, 的格式輸入,當GMAIL收到信件的時候看到"+"的信箱位置的時候,GMAIL知道您的使用帳號是
就可以正常寄收信件,這時候當您發現到你的信箱帳號在垃圾名單的時候 你就知道是哪一個網站把你的信箱賣了。
When you give your email address to a website, you hope that they don't sell or trade your address to a bunch of spammers. Well if they do, here is a simple way to see what sites are responsible for what particular piece of email. This requires you have a Gmail account. If your Gmail login name was and you went to to fill out a registration form, instead of just entering as your email, enter it as instead. When Gmail sees a "+" in an email address, it uses all the characters to the left of the plus sign to know who to send it to. In this example it would still send it to Now whats cool is if you search Gmail for username+samplesitecom, you will see all massages that were sent to that email address. To see who is responsible for sending a specific message click the Show Details link and you will see the complete address.
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