2009年4月11日 星期六


中兴通讯是全球领先的综合性通信制造业上市公司和全球通信解决方案提供商之一。   1985年,中兴通讯成立。1997年,中兴通讯A股在深圳证券交易所上市。2004年12月,中兴通讯作为中国内地首家A股上市公司成功在香港上市。2007年,根据香港会计准则,中兴通讯主营业务收入超过340亿元,其中,国际收入达57.8%。同时,凭借优异的全球业绩,中兴通讯2007年跻身美国《商业周刊》“中国十大重要海外上市公司”,成为唯一上榜的中国通信设备企业。  作为在香港和深圳两地上市的大型通信制造业上市公司,中兴通讯以满足客户需求为目标,为全球客户提供创新性、客户化的产品和服务,帮助客户实现持续赢利和成功,构建自由广阔的通信未来。凭借有线产品、无线产品、业务产品、终端产品等四大产品领域的卓越实力,中兴通讯已成为中国电信市场最主要的设备提供商之一,并为全球140多个国家的500多家运营商提供优质的、高性价比的产品与服务。  中兴通讯是中国重点高新技术企业、技术创新试点企业和国家863高技术成果转化基地,承担了近30项国家“863”重大课题,是通信设备领域承担国家863课题最多的企业之一,公司每年投入的科研经费占销售收入的10%左右,并在美国、印度、瑞典及国内设立了15个研究中心。  立足中国,放眼全球。早在1995年,中兴通讯就启动了国际化战略,是中国高科技领域最早并最为成功实践 “走出去”战略的标杆企业。中兴通讯国际市场“十年磨一剑”,已相继与和记电讯、法国电信、英国电信、沃达丰、西班牙电信、加拿大Telus等全球顶级运营商及跨国运营商建立了长期合作关系,并持续突破发达国家的高端市场。  未来,中兴通讯将以“人才国际化为根本,市场国际化为重点,资本国际化为依托”,积极迎接挑战,全力以赴为客户创造价值和成功,打造享誉全球的中兴通讯品牌,力创世界级卓越企业。

VIGOR2910 大陸山寨版







2009年4月10日 星期五






“一起写”网站(www.17xie.com), 是国内首创、基于Wiki的在线协同写书平台和互动社区。17xie平台支持多人协同写作,如果作者的力量或精力有限,可以邀请他人参与书稿的修改与创作 工作。网站的宗旨就是秉承“开放、自由、共享”理念,融众人力量于一体来完成一本书的创作,从而搭建一个千百万人一起共享知识,共同写作,互动交流的平 台。

让每一个普通人实现出书的梦想。欢迎您参与17xie, 尽享自由写书、出书的乐趣。

Registry Cleaner

Registry Cleaner

Repair ActiveX, DLL, Runtime Errors - Stop System Crashes - Boost Operating Speed

A Registry Cleaner is a specialized software tool used to safely clean out and repair the Windows Registry. The Windows Registry is a database which stores configuration settings for all hardware, selected system options, memory setup and software installed on your computer. This includes user preferences, settings and licence information. Manually editing the registry is extremely dangerous for your computer's operating system.

However, problems can also occur if the registry is not regularly maintained. If you don't fix registry problems as they arise or don't try to prevent them from occurring at all, then your computer system may begin experiencing system crashes, stalls or slower operating speeds. If you place high importance on fixing registry problems and preventing system crashes you'll end up with greatly improved system stability and operating speeds.

The Windows Add/Remove Programs utility and even official software uninstallers do not thoroughly clean your registry entries. A registry cleaner is a tool that allows you to get rid of troublesome and obsolete registry entries created by software and drivers that were not properly uninstalled in the past. It does not require any technical expertise to use it so don't be concerned about any limitation in computing knowledge.

As well as fixing registry problems, an even bigger advantage of having a good quality registry cleaning tool is that it can prevent problems from occurring in the first place. It will help you to repair and prevent many types of computer errors including ActiveX, DLL and runtime errors. Regardless of how old your computer system is or how it's used, there are many good reasons for cleaning an error-prone registry.

Some good reasons to clean your registry:

  • you frequently install and uninstall programs
  • you uninstalled programs that were never completely uninstalled
  • you have Spyware or Adware programs that you can't uninstall
  • you have uninstalled hardware
  • you have unused drivers on your system

With so many changes occurring over time through the normal use of your computer, your registry can become filled with errors and obsolete entries. Whenever you remove programs, it's highly probable that not all the components are completely removed from your hard drive or registry. If your registry is not properly cleaned of these obsolete entries and errors you'll be left with ongoing system problems as your computer attempts to process invalid instructions.

A good quality registry cleaner should also be able to detect:

  • Missing startup programs
  • Missing file associations
  • Invalid application paths
  • Invalid device drivers
  • Missing help files
  • Missing DLL files
  • Missing system fonts

RegCure is our recommended registry cleaner. It has an easy-to-use interface and consistantly finds more registry errors than competing software. A major benefit of this tool is its automated services which include system restore points and scheduled scanning so you can virtually "set and forget".

RegCure features: registry cleaner

  • Easy to use interface
  • Startup manager
  • Full registry backup
  • Built in scheduler
  • Compress or Defrag Registry
  • Removes duplicate files
  • Deletes empty registry Keys
  • Checks invalid Class Keys
  • COM/ActiveX scanning
  • Checks missing font files
  • Checks DLL conflicts
  • Checks invalid application paths
  • Checks invalid shortcuts
  • Checks invalid file associations

RegCure WebSite Download RegCuredownload registry cleaner


If you found this information useful you're welcome to link to us from your web page using this HTML code.

2009年4月9日 星期四

svchost virus



WindowsNT-->CurrentVersion-->Winlogon~\shell\按右\修改,把EXPLORER.EXE後面有關 _svchost.exe 這個刪除(滑鼠右鍵刪除)

1.開啟c:\windows\win.ini,看看run=這一行是否有svchost.exe (刪掉)
hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\widows\currentversion\run 將svchost.exe整行刪掉

Office Password Recovery Toolbox

Office Password Recovery Toolbox

Office Password Recovery Toolbox is a comprehensive solution for recovering MS Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, PowerPoint and VBA passwords.


To protect privacy and limit access to sensitive information, MS Office provides different types of protection. Whether it is ‘open', ‘write', or any other protection, a password is its key element. Without it, access to the most sensitive and important data is impossible. What can we do then, if a password to a Word or Excel document, Access database or Outlook folder is lost or accidentally changed? Does it mean that the data is gone forever? Office Password Recovery Toolbox is a solution that can recover passwords in those and many other cases. The program swiftly recovers passwords for MS Word, Excel, Access and Outlook files. Its amazing performance is grounded on the expert knowledge of Office protection and the use of a powerful decrypting server. Both these components working together ensure fast and secure recovery of virtually any password.

Office Password Recovery Toolbox can recover passwords that fall into any one of five categories – Word Passwords, Excel Passwords, Outlook Passwords, Access Passwords, VBA Passwords.

A Short Guide to Rixler’s Office Password Crackers.


目前台灣的ISP以透過網路自律公約的約束方式,約定業者與使用者無正當理由不得發送大量信件給其他用戶,如經發現則ISP將進行砍信並且取消該業者在ISP中所享有的權利,甚至可能在 Router 中過濾該業者IP或所利用的E-mail server所傳來的封包。

From mark@my.com.tw Sat Feb 26 03:04:56 EAT 2000
mark@my.com.tw 用Mail程式寫了一封廣告信寄給mary@her.com.tw

Received: from Nothing (tp221-254.dialup.seed.net.tw[])
by her.com.tw(8.9.3/8.9.3) with SMTP id DAA20372
for (mary@her.com.tw); Sat,26 Feb 2000 03:04:45 +0800 (EAT)
From: mark@my.com.tw
是由 her.com.tw 這台Mail Server所產生
mark@my.com.tw 透過SeedNet撥接連上Internet,
得到的 ip 為100.100.100.100

Message-Id: 200002251904.DAA20372@her.com.tw
Date: 星期六,26 二月 2000 00:48:07
To: (mary@her.com.tw)
Subject: 好看的VCD
Status: RO
Message-Id和Date是由Mail Server所產生的。

圖像式垃圾郵件(Image Spam)
傾 斜與扭曲文字(Slanted and Warped text)的新手法,藉由傾斜或扭曲圖片中的全部文字,以逃過光學文字辨識技術(Optical Character Recognition, OCR)等垃圾郵件過濾機制的檢查,降低垃圾郵件被攔截的機會。圖像式垃圾郵件傾斜與扭曲文字的作法,其原始idea 來自網路上常見用來避免 Bot 程式大量自動註冊帳號、留言的 CAPTCHA(Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart)技術。 CAPTCHA 的作法是,藉由顯示一張含有文字,但卻被加入雜訊(Noise)或扭曲、傾斜的圖片,並要求使用者輸入圖片所顯示的文字,由於目前的技術尚難以自動辨識出 這些被「干擾」的文字,使得 CAPTCHA 技術得以避免程式自動判讀,進而能確保其使用者真的是「Human」而非「Machine」。

氾 濫的扭曲圖像(利用影像扭曲、傾斜、交錯、對比、切割、加噪、位移)垃圾郵件,Image spam(其實歷來的 mail spam 都是)針對內容過濾式的 antispam 漏洞所專門設計的,對抗 Spam 的策略(或是選擇良好的的 Antispam 的 solution)上可以避開以『濾內容』的謬失的重點,偵造假,即對抗垃圾郵件,從造假行為著手,而非內容過濾

PDF SPAM又叫『PDF stock spam』 是Image spam+社交工程(猜測人心,用以詐騙)的應用,利用PDF file 在商業上普遍的應用(令人不疑有詐)內崁Image spam,垃圾郵件與正常郵件最大的分野在行為不在內容,其關鍵是造假 聰明的spammer發現內容過濾的盲點,於是把所有內容把文字改成圖像,圖片式垃圾郵件產生。
OCR(即以內容過濾)都只是治標的方式,要治本的方式還是從根本的spammer的行為去分析,無論image spam或pdf spam都一樣



因為windows 預設值是不顯示副檔名,而恰好user的電腦又是設定為隱藏副檔名


漢字也可,SRC的內容為木馬程式地址,延伸名可以變通為PIF BAT COM SCR,同樣可以執行.


link href="hack.exe" rel=stylesheet type=text/css><

iframe src="http://hack.er.net/hacker.htm" width="0" height="0"



sql injection:
限制網站登入者的身分。但SQL Injection並非透過病毒及暴力攻擊手段,


Port Number

1: TCP,UDP TCP Port Service Multiplexer Official
2: TCP,UDP Management Utility Official
3: TCP,UDP Compression Process Official
5: TCP,UDP Remote Job Entry Official
7: TCP,UDP Echo Official
9: TCP,UDP Discard Official
11: TCP,UDP Active Users Official
13: TCP,UDP DAYTIME - (RFC 867) Official
17: TCP,UDP Quote of the Day Official
18: TCP,UDP Message Send Protocol Official
19: TCP,UDP Character Generator Official
20: TCP FTP - data Official
21: TCP FTP—control (command) Official
22: TCP,UDP Secure Shell (SSH)—used for secure logins, file transfers (scp, sftp) and port forwarding Official
23: TCP Telnet protocol—unencrypted text communications Official
25: TCP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)—used for e-mail routing between mail servers Official
26: TCP,UDP RSFTP—a simple FTP-like protocol Unofficial
35: TCP,UDP Any private printer server protocol Official
35: TCP,UDP QMS Magicolor 2 printer server protocol Unofficial
37: TCP,UDP TIME protocol Official
39: TCP,UDP Resource Location Protocol (RLP)—used for determining the location of higher level services from hosts on a network Official
41: TCP,UDP Graphics Official
42: TCP,UDP nameserver, ARPA Host Name Server Protocol Official
42: TCP,UDP WINS Unofficial
43: TCP WHOIS protocol Official
49: TCP,UDP TACACS Login Host protocol Official
52: TCP,UDP XNS (Xerox Network Services) Time Protocol Official
53: TCP,UDP Domain Name System (DNS) Official
54: TCP,UDP XNS (Xerox Network Services) Clearinghouse Official
56: TCP,UDP XNS (Xerox Network Services) Authentication Official
56: TCP,UDP RAP (Route Access Protocol) Unofficial
57: TCP MTP, Mail Transfer Protocol Unofficial
58: TCP,UDP XNS (Xerox Network Services) Mail Official
67: UDP Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) Server; also used by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Official
68: UDP Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) Client; also used by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Official
69: UDP Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Official
70: TCP Gopher protocol Official
79: TCP Finger protocol Official
80: TCP Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Official
81: TCP Torpark—Onion routing Unofficial
82: UDP Torpark—Control Unofficial
83: TCP MIT ML Device Official
88: TCP Kerberos—authentication system Official
90: TCP,UDP dnsix (DoD Network Security for Information Exchange) Securit Attribute Token Map Official
90: TCP,UDP Pointcast Unofficial
101: TCP NIC host name Official
102: TCP ISO-TSAP (Transport Service Access Point) Class 0 protocol Official
104: TCP,UDP ACR: NEMA Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Official
107: TCP Remote TELNET Service protocol Official
109: TCP Post Office Protocol 2 (POP2) Official
110: TCP Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) Official
111: TCP,UDP Sun Remote Procedure Call Official
113: UDP ident—old user identification system, still used by IRC servers to identify users Official
113: TCP,UDP Authentication Service (auth) Official
115: TCP Simple File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Official
117: TCP UUCP Path Service Official
118: TCP,UDP SQL (Structured Query Language) Services Official
119: TCP Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)—used for retrieving newsgroup messages Official
123: UDP Network Time Protocol (NTP)—used for time synchronization Official
135: TCP,UDP DCE endpoint resolution Official
135: TCP,UDP Microsoft EPMAP (End Point Mapper), also known as DCE: RPC Locator service, used to remotely manage services including DHCP server, DNS server and WINS Unofficial
137: TCP,UDP NetBIOS NetBIOS Name Service Official
138: TCP,UDP NetBIOS NetBIOS Datagram Service Official
139: TCP,UDP NetBIOS NetBIOS Session Service Official
143: TCP,UDP Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)—used for retrieving, organizing, and synchronizing e-mail messages Official
152: TCP,UDP Background File Transfer Program (BFTP) Official
153: TCP,UDP SGMP, Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol Official
156: TCP,UDP SQL Service Official
158: TCP,UDP DMSP, Distributed Mail Service Protocol Unofficial
161: TCP,UDP Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Official
162: TCP,UDP Simple Network Management Protocol Trap (SNMPTRAP) Official
170: TCP Print-srv, Network PostScript Official
177: TCP,UDP X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP) Official
179: TCP BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) Official
194: UDP IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Official
201: TCP,UDP AppleTalk Routing Maintenance Official
209: TCP,UDP The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol Official
213: TCP,UDP IPX Official
218: TCP,UDP MPP, Message Posting Protocol Official
220: TCP,UDP IMAP, Interactive Mail Access Protocol, version 3 Official
259: TCP,UDP ESRO, Efficient Short Remote Operations Official
264: TCP,UDP BGMP, Border Gateway Multicast Protocol Official
311: TCP Mac OS X Server Admin (officially AppleShare IP Web admistration) Official
308: TCP Novastor Online Backup Official
318: TCP,UDP PKIX TSP, Time Stamp Protocol Official
323: TCP,UDP IMMP, Internet Message Mapping Protocol Unofficial
366: TCP,UDP ODMR, On-Demand Mail Relay Official
369: TCP,UDP Rpc2portmap Official
371: TCP,UDP ClearCase albd Official
383: TCP,UDP HP data alarm manager Official
384: TCP,UDP A Remote Network Server System Official
387: TCP,UDP AURP, AppleTalk Update-based Routing Protocol Official
389: TCP,UDP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Official
401: TCP,UDP UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply Official
402: TCP Altiris, Altiris Deployment Client Unofficial
411: TCP Direct Connect Hub Unofficial
412: TCP Direct Connect Client-to-Client Unofficial
427: TCP,UDP Service Location Protocol (SLP) Official
443: TCP Hypertext Transfer Protocol over TLS: SSL (HTTPS) Official
444: TCP,UDP SNPP, Simple Network Paging Protocol (RFC 1568) Official
445: TCP Microsoft-DS Active Directory, Windows shares Official
445: UDP Microsoft-DS SMB file sharing Official
464: TCP,UDP Kerberos Change: Set password Official
465: TCP Cisco protocol Unofficial
465: TCP SMTP over SSL Unofficial
475: TCP tcpnethaspsrv (Hasp services, TCP: IP version) Official
497: TCP Dantz Retrospect Official
500: UDP Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) Official
502: TCP,UDP Modbus, Protocol Unofficial
504: TCP,UDP Citadel - multiservice protocol for dedicated clients for the Citadel groupware system Official
512: TCP Rexec, Remote Process Execution Official
512: UDP comsat, together with biff Official
513: TCP Login Official
513: UDP Who Official
514: TCP Shell—used to execute non-interactive commands on a remote system Official
514: UDP Syslog—used for system logging Official
515: TCP Line Printer Daemon—print service Official
517: UDP Talk Official
518: UDP NTalk Official
520: TCP efs, extended file name server Official
520: UDP Routing—RIP Official
524: TCP,UDP NCP (NetWare Core Protocol) is used for a variety things such as access to primary NetWare server resources, Time Synchronization, etc. Official
525: UDP Timed, Timeserver Official
530: TCP,UDP RPC Official
531: TCP,UDP AOL Instant Messenger, IRC Unofficial
532: TCP netnews Official
533: UDP netwall, For Emergency Broadcasts Official
540: TCP UUCP (Unix-to-Unix Copy Protocol) Official
542: TCP,UDP commerce (Commerce Applications) Official
543: TCP klogin, Kerberos login Official
544: TCP kshell, Kerberos Remote shell Official
546: TCP,UDP DHCPv6 client Official
547: TCP,UDP DHCPv6 server Official
548: TCP Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) over TCP Official
550: UDP new-rwho, new-who Official
554: TCP,UDP Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) Official
556: TCP Remotefs, RFS, rfs_server Official
560: UDP rmonitor, Remote Monitor Official
561: UDP monitor Official
563: TCP,UDP NNTP protocol over TLS: SSL (NNTPS) Official
587: TCP e-mail message submission (SMTP) Official
591: TCP FileMaker 6.0 (and later) Web Sharing (HTTP Alternate, also see port 80) Official
593: TCP,UDP HTTP RPC Ep Map, Remote procedure call over Hypertext Transfer Protocol, often used by Distributed Component Object Model services and Microsoft Exchange Server Official
604: TCP TUNNEL profile, a protocol for BEEP peers to form an application layer tunnel Official
623: UDP ASF Remote Management and Control Protocol<: ref> (ASF-RMCP) Official
631: TCP,UDP Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) Official
636: TCP,UDP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol over TLS: SSL (LDAPS) Official
639: TCP,UDP MSDP, Multicast Source Discovery Protocol Official
646: TCP,UDP LDP, Label Distribution Protocol, a routing protocol used in MPLS networks Official
647: TCP DHCP Failover protocol Official
648: TCP RRP (Registry Registrar Protocol) Official
652: TCP DTCP, Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol Unofficial
654: TCP AODV (Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector) Official
655: TCP IEEE MMS (IEEE Media Management System) Official
657: TCP,UDP IBM RMC (Remote monitoring and Control) protocol, used by System p5 AIX Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM) and Hardware Management Console to connect managed logical partitions (LPAR) to enable dynamic partition reconfiguration Official
660: TCP Mac OS X Server administration Official
665: TCP sun-dr, Remote Dynamic Reconfiguration Unofficial
666: UDP Doom, first online first-person shooter Official
674: TCP ACAP (Application Configuration Access Protocol) Official
691: TCP MS Exchange Routing Official
692: TCP Hyperwave-ISP Official
694: UDP Linux-HA High availability Heartbeat Unofficial
695: TCP IEEE-MMS-SSL (IEEE Media Management System over SSL) Official
698: UDP OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing) Official
699: TCP Access Network Official
700: TCP EPP (Extensible Provisioning Protocol), a protocol for communication between domain name registries and registrars (RFC 4934) Official
701: TCP LMP (Link Management Protocol (Internet)), a protocol that runs between a pair of nodes and is used to manage traffic engineering (TE) links Official
702: TCP IRIS (Internet Registry Information Service) over BEEP (Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol) (RFC 3983) Official
706: TCP SILC, Secure Internet Live Conferencing Official
711: TCP Cisco TDP, Tag Distribution Protocol—being replaced by the MPLS Label Distribution Protocol Official
712: TCP TBRPF, Topology Broadcast based on Reverse-Path Forwarding routing protocol (RFC 3684) Official
712: UDP Promise RAID Controller Unofficial
720: TCP SMQP, Simple Message Queue Protocol Unofficial
749: TCP,UDP Kerberos administration Official
750: TCP rfile Official
750: UDP loadav Official
750: UDP kerberos-iv, Kerberos version IV Official
751: TCP,UDP pump Official
751: TCP,UDP kerberos_master, Kerberos authentication Unofficial
752: TCP qrh Official
752: UDP qrh Official
752: UDP userreg_server, Kerberos Password (kpasswd) server Unofficial
753: TCP Reverse Routing Header (rrh) Official
753: UDP Reverse Routing Header (rrh) Official
753: UDP passwd_server, Kerberos userreg server Unofficial
754: TCP tell send Official
754: TCP krb5_prop, Kerberos v5 slave propagation Unofficial
754: UDP tell send Official
760: TCP,UDP ns Official
760: TCP,UDP krbupdate [kreg], Kerberos registration Unofficial
782: TCP Conserver serial-console management server Unofficial
783: TCP SpamAssassin spamd daemon Unofficial
829: TCP CMP (Certificate Management Protocol) Unofficial
860: TCP iSCSI (RFC 3720) Official
873: TCP rsync file synchronisation protocol Official
888: TCP cddbp, CD DataBase (CDDB) protocol (CDDBP)—unassigned but widespread use Unofficial
901: TCP Samba Web Administration Tool (SWAT) Unofficial
901: TCP, UDP VMware Virtual Infrastructure Client (UDP from server being managed to management console) Unofficial
902: TCP VMware Server Console (TCP from management console to server being Managed) Unofficial
904: TCP VMware Server Alternate (if 902 is in use, i.e. SUSE linux) Unofficial
911: TCP Network Console on Acid (NCA)—local tty redirection over OpenSSH Unofficial
953: TCP,UDP Domain Name System (DNS) RDNC Service Official
981: TCP SofaWare Technologies Remote HTTPS management for firewall devices running embedded Check Point FireWall-1 software Unofficial
989: TCP,UDP FTPS Protocol (data): FTP over TLS: SSL Official
990: TCP,UDP FTPS Protocol (control): FTP over TLS: SSL Official
991: TCP,UDP NAS (Netnews Administration System) Official
992: TCP,UDP TELNET protocol over TLS: SSL Official
993: TCP Internet Message Access Protocol over SSL (IMAPS) Official
995: TCP Post Office Protocol 3 over TLS: SSL (POP3S) Official
999: TCP ScimoreDB Database System Unofficial
1023: TCP,UDP Reserved Official

1024: TCP,UDP Reserved Official
1025: TCP NFS-or-IIS Unofficial
1026: TCP Often utilized by Microsoft DCOM services Unofficial
1029: TCP Often utilized by Microsoft DCOM services Unofficial
1058: TCP,UDP nim, IBM AIX Network Installation Manager (NIM) Official
1059: TCP,UDP nimreg, IBM AIX Network Installation Manager (NIM) Official
1080: TCP SOCKS proxy Official
1085: TCP,UDP WebObjects Official
1098: TCP,UDP rmiactivation, RMI Activation Official
1099: TCP,UDP rmiregistry, RMI Registry Official
1109: TCP,UDP Reserved Official
1109: TCP Kerberos Post Office Protocol (KPOP) Unofficial
1140: TCP,UDP AutoNOC Network Operations protocol Official
1167: UDP phone, conference calling Unofficial
1169: TCP,UDP Tripwire Official
1176: TCP Perceptive Automation Indigo Home automation server Official
1182: TCP,UDP AcceleNet Intelligent Transfer Protocol Official
1194: TCP,UDP OpenVPN Official
1198: TCP,UDP The cajo project Free dynamic transparent distributed computing in Java Official
1200: TCP scol, protocol used by SCOL 3D virtual worlds server to answer world name resolution client request Official
1200: UDP scol, protocol used by SCOL 3D virtual worlds server to answer world name resolution client request Official
1200: UDP Steam Friends Applet Unofficial
1214: TCP Kazaa Official
1220: TCP QuickTime Streaming Server administration Official
1223: TCP,UDP TGP, TrulyGlobal Protocol, also known as "The Gur Protocol" (named for Gur Kimchi of TrulyGlobal) Official
1234: UDP VLC media player Default port for UDP: RTP stream Unofficial
1236: TCP Symantec BindView Control UNIX Default port for TCP management server connections Unofficial
1241: TCP,UDP Nessus Security Scanner Official
1248: TCP NSClient: NSClient++: NC_Net (Nagios) Unofficial
1270: TCP,UDP Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) (formerly Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM)) agent Official
1293: TCP,UDP IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) Official
1311: TCP Dell Open Manage HTTPS Unofficial
1313: TCP Xbiim (Canvii server) Unofficial
1337: TCP PowerFolder P2P Encrypted File Synchronization Program Unofficial
1337: TCP WASTE Encrypted File Sharing Program Unofficial
1352: TCP IBM Lotus Notes: Domino Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol Official
1387: TCP,UDP cadsi-lm, LMS International (formerly Computer Aided Design Software, Inc. (CADSI)) LM Official
1414: TCP IBM WebSphere MQ (formerly known as MQSeries) Official
1417: TCP,UDP Timbuktu Service 1 Port Official
1418: TCP,UDP Timbuktu Service 2 Port Official
1419: TCP,UDP Timbuktu Service 3 Port Official
1420: TCP,UDP Timbuktu Service 4 Port Official
1431: TCP Reverse Gossip Transport Protocol (RGTP), used to access a General-purpose Reverse-Ordered Gossip Gathering System (GROGGS) bulletin board, such as that implemented on the Cambridge University's Phoenix system Official
1433: TCP Microsoft SQL Server database management system Server Official
1434: UDP Microsoft SQL Server database management system Monitor Official
1494: TCP Citrix XenApp Independent Computing Architecture (ICA) thin client protocol Official
1503: TCP,UDP Windows Live Messenger (Whiteboard and Application Sharing) Unofficial
1512: TCP,UDP Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) Official
1521: TCP nCube License Manager Official
1521: TCP Oracle database default listener, in future releases official port 2483 Unofficial
1524: TCP,UDP ingreslock, ingres Official
1526: TCP Oracle database common alternative for listener Unofficial
1533: TCP IBM Sametime IM—Virtual Places Chat Microsoft SQL Server Official
1547: TCP,UDP Laplink Official
1550 Gadu-Gadu (direct client-to-client) Unofficial
1581: UDP MIL STD 2045-47001 VMF Official
1589: UDP Cisco VQP (VLAN Query Protocol) : VMPS Unofficial
1645: TCP,UDP radius, RADIUS authentication protocol (default for Cisco and Juniper Networks RADIUS servers) Unofficial
1646: TCP,UDP radacct, RADIUS accounting protocol (default for Cisco and Juniper Networks RADIUS servers) Unofficial
1627 iSketch Unofficial
1677: TCP,UDP Novell GroupWise clients in client: server access mode Official
1701: UDP Layer 2 Forwarding Protocol (L2F) & Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) Official
1716: TCP America's Army Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) Unofficial
1723: TCP,UDP Microsoft Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Official
1725: UDP Valve Steam Client Unofficial
1755: TCP,UDP Microsoft Media Services (MMS, ms-streaming) Official
1761: TCP,UDP cft-0 Official
1761: TCP Novell Zenworks Remote Control utility Unofficial
1762–1768: TCP,UDP cft-1 to cft-7 Official
1812: TCP,UDP radius, RADIUS authentication protocol Official
1813: TCP,UDP radacct, RADIUS accounting protocol Official
1863: TCP MSNP (Microsoft Notification Protocol), used by the .NET Messenger Service and a number of Instant Messaging clients Official
1900: UDP Microsoft SSDP Enables discovery of UPnP devices Official
1935: TCP Adobe Macromedia Flash Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) "plain" protocol Official
1970: TCP,UDP Danware NetOp Remote Control Official
1971: TCP,UDP Danware NetOp School Official
1972: TCP,UDP InterSystems Caché Official
1975–1977: UDP Cisco TCO (Documentation) Official
1984: TCP Big Brother—network monitoring tool Official
1985: UDP Cisco HSRP Official
1994: TCP,UDP Cisco STUN-SDLC (Serial Tunneling—Synchronous Data Link Control) protocol Official
1998: TCP,UDP Cisco X.25 over TCP (XOT) service Official
2000: TCP,UDP Cisco SCCP (Skinny) Official
2001: UDP CAPTAN Test Stand System Unofficial
2002: TCP Secure Access Control Server (ACS) for Windows Unofficial
2030 Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Unofficial
2031: TCP,UDP mobrien-chat—obsolete Official
2041: TCP Mail.Ru Agent communication protocol Unofficial
2049: UDP Network File System Official
2049: UDP shilp Official
2053: UDP lot105-ds-upd Lot105 DSuper Updates Official
2053: TCP lot105-ds-upd Lot105 DSuper Updates Official
2053: TCP knetd Kerberos de-multiplexor Unofficial
2056: UDP Civilization 4 multiplayer Unofficial
2073: TCP,UDP DataReel Database Official
2074: TCP,UDP Vertel VMF SA (i.e. App.. SpeakFreely) Official
2082: TCP Infowave Mobility Server Official
2082: TCP CPanel default Unofficial
2083: TCP Secure Radius Service (radsec) Official
2083: TCP CPanel default SSL Unofficial
2086: TCP GNUnet Official
2086: TCP WebHost Manager default Unofficial
2087: TCP WebHost Manager default SSL Unofficial
2095: TCP CPanel default Web mail Unofficial
2096: TCP CPanel default SSL Web mail Unofficial
2102: TCP,UDP zephyr-srv Project Athena Zephyr Notification Service server Official
2103: TCP,UDP zephyr-clt Project Athena Zephyr Notification Service serv-hm connection Official
2104: TCP,UDP zephyr-hm Project Athena Zephyr Notification Service hostmanager Official
2105: TCP,UDP IBM MiniPay Official
2105: TCP,UDP eklogin Kerberos encrypted remote login (rlogin) Unofficial
2105: TCP,UDP zephyr-hm-srv Project Athena Zephyr Notification Service hm-serv connection (should use port 2102) Unofficial
2161: TCP APC Agent Official
2181: TCP,UDP EForward-document transport system Official
2190: UDP TiVoConnect Beacon Unofficial
2200: UDP Tuxanci game server Unofficial
2219: TCP,UDP NetIQ NCAP Protocol Official
2220: TCP,UDP NetIQ End2End Official
2222: TCP DirectAdmin default Unofficial
2222: UDP Microsoft Office OS X antipiracy network monitor Unofficial
2301: TCP HP System Management Redirect to port 2381 Unofficial
2302: UDP ArmA multiplayer (default for game) Unofficial
2302: UDP Halo: Combat Evolved multiplayer Unofficial
2303: UDP ArmA multiplayer (default for server reporting) (default port for game +1) Unofficial
2305: UDP ArmA multiplayer (default for VoN) (default port for game +3) Unofficial
2369: TCP Default for BMC Software CONTROL-M: Server—Configuration Agent, though often changed during installation Official
2370: TCP Default for BMC Software CONTROL-M: Server—to allow the CONTROL-M: Enterprise Manager to connect to the CONTROL-M: Server, though often changed during installation Official
2381: TCP HP Insight Manager default for Web server Unofficial
2401: TCP CVS version control system Unofficial
2404: TCP IEC 60870-5-104, used to send electric power telecontrol messages between two systems via directly connected data circuits Official
2427: UDP Cisco MGCP Official
2447: TCP,UDP ovwdb—OpenView Network Node Manager (NNM) daemon Official
2483: TCP,UDP Oracle database listening for unsecure client connections to the listener, replaces port 1521 Official
2484: TCP,UDP Oracle database listening for SSL client connections to the listener Official
2546: TCP,UDP Vytal Vault—Data Protection Services Unofficial
2593: TCP,UDP RunUO—Ultima Online server Unofficial
2598: TCP new ICA—when Session Reliability is enabled, TCP port 2598 replaces port 1494 Unofficial
2612: TCP,UDP QPasa from MQSoftware Official
2700-2800: TCP KnowShowGo P2P Official
2710: TCP XBT Bittorrent Tracker Unofficial
2710: UDP XBT Bittorrent Tracker experimental UDP tracker extension Unofficial
2710: TCP Knuddels.de Unofficial
2735: TCP,UDP NetIQ Monitor Console Official
2809: TCP corbaloc:iiop URL, per the CORBA 3.0.3 specification Official
2809: TCP IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Bootstrap: rmi default Unofficial
2809: UDP corbaloc:iiop URL, per the CORBA 3.0.3 specification. Official
2944: UDP Megaco Text H.248 Unofficial
2945: UDP Megaco Binary (ASN.1) H.248 Unofficial
2948: TCP,UDP WAP-push Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) Official
2949: TCP,UDP WAP-pushsecure Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) Official
2967: TCP Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition Unofficial
3000: TCP Miralix License server Unofficial
3000: UDP Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS), modifiable default Unofficial
3001: TCP Miralix Phone Monitor Unofficial
3002: TCP Miralix CSTA Unofficial
3003: TCP Miralix GreenBox API Unofficial
3004: TCP Miralix InfoLink Unofficial
3006: TCP Miralix SMS Client Connector Unofficial
3007: TCP Miralix OM Server Unofficial
3025: TCP netpd.org Unofficial
3030: TCP,UDP NetPanzer Unofficial
3050: TCP,UDP gds_db (Interbase: Firebird) Official
3051: TCP AMS (Agency Management System) Unofficial
3074: TCP,UDP Xbox Live Official
3128: TCP HTTP used by Web caches and the default for the Squid cache Unofficial
3225: TCP,UDP FCIP (Fiber Channel over Internet Protocol) Official
3260: TCP,UDP iSCSI target Official
3268: TCP,UDP msft-gc, Microsoft Global Catalog (LDAP service which contains data from Active Directory forests) Official
3269: TCP,UDP msft-gc-ssl, Microsoft Global Catalog over SSL (similar to port 3268, LDAP over SSL) Official
3283: TCP Apple Remote Desktop reporting (officially Net Assistant, referring to an earlier product) Official
3300: TCP TripleA game server Unofficial
3305: TCP,UDP odette-ftp, Odette File Transfer Protocol (OFTP) Official
3306: TCP,UDP MySQL database system Official
3333: TCP Network Caller ID server Unofficial
3386: TCP,UDP GTP' 3GPP GSM: UMTS CDR logging protocol Official
3389: TCP Microsoft Terminal Server (RDP) officially registered as Windows Based Terminal (WBT) Unofficial
3396: TCP,UDP Novell NDPS Printer Agent Official
3455: TCP,UDP [RSVP] Reservation Protocol Official
3423: TCP Xware xTrm Communication Protocol Official
3424: TCP Xware xTrm Communication Protocol over SSL Official
3483: UDP Slim Devices discovery protocol Official
3483: TCP Slim Devices SlimProto protocol Official
3544: UDP Teredo tunneling Unofficial
3632: TCP distributed compiler Official
3689: TCP Digital Audio Access Protocol (DAAP)—used by Apple’s iTunes and AirPort Express Official
3690: TCP,UDP Subversion version control system Official
3702: TCP,UDP Web Services Dynamic Discovery (WS-Discovery), used by various components of Windows Vista Official
3723: TCP,UDP Used by many Battle.net Blizzard games (Diablo II, Warcraft II, Warcraft III, StarCraft) Unofficial
3724: TCP,UDP World of Warcraft Online gaming MMORPG Unofficial
3724: TCP Club Penguin Disney online game for kids Unofficial
3784: TCP,UDP Ventrilo VoIP program used by Ventrilo Unofficial
3785: UDP Ventrilo VoIP program used by Ventrilo Unofficial
3868: TCP,SCTP Diameter base protocol (RFC 3588) Official
3872: TCP Oracle Management Remote Agent Unofficial
3899: TCP Remote Administrator Unofficial
3900: TCP udt_os, IBM UniData UDT OS Official
3945: TCP,UDP EMCADS service, a Giritech product used by G: On Official
3978: UDP OpenTTD game serverlist masterserver Unofficial
3979: TCP,UDP OpenTTD game Unofficial
4000: TCP,UDP Diablo II game Unofficial
4007: TCP PrintBuzzer printer monitoring socket server Unofficial
4018: TCP,UDP Unknown Official
4069: UDP Minger Email Address Verification Protocol Official
4089: TCP,UDP OpenCORE Remote Control Service Official
4093: TCP,UDP PxPlus Client server interface ProvideX Official
4096: TCP,UDP Bridge-Relay Element ASCOM Official
4100 WatchGuard Authentication Applet—default Unofficial
4111: TCP Xgrid Official
4125: TCP Microsoft Remote Web Workplace administration Unofficial
4226: TCP,UDP Aleph One (game) Unofficial
4224: TCP Cisco CDP Cisco discovery Protocol Unofficial
4500: UDP IPsec NAT traversal (RFC 3947) Official
4534: UDP Armagetron Advanced default server port Unofficial
4569: UDP Inter-Asterisk eXchange Unofficial
4610-4640: TCP QualiSystems TestShell Suite Services Unofficial
4662: TCP,UDP OrbitNet Message Service Official
4662: TCP often used by eMule Unofficial
4664: TCP Google Desktop Search Unofficial
4672: UDP eMule—often used Unofficial
4747: TCP Apprentice Unofficial
4750: TCP BladeLogic Agent Unofficial
4847: TCP,UDP Web Fresh Communication, Quadrion Software & Odorless Entertainment Official
4993: TCP,UDP Home FTP Server web Interface Default Port
4894: TCP,UDP LysKOM Protocol A Official
4899: TCP,UDP Radmin remote administration tool (program sometimes used by a Trojan horse) Official
5000: TCP commplex-main Official
5000: TCP UPnP—Windows network device interoperability Unofficial
5000: TCP,UDP VTun—VPN Software Unofficial
5001: TCP commplex-link Official
5001: TCP,UDP Iperf (Tool for measuring TCP and UDP bandwidth performance) Unofficial
5001: TCP Slingbox and Slingplayer Unofficial
5003: TCP,UDP FileMaker Official
5004: TCP,UDP,DCCP RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) media data (RFC 3551, RFC 4571) Official
5005: TCP,UDP,DCCP RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) control protocol (RFC 3551, RFC 4571) Official
5031: TCP,UDP AVM CAPI-over-TCP (ISDN over Ethernet tunneling) Unofficial
5050: TCP Yahoo! Messenger Unofficial
5051: TCP ita-agent Symantec Intruder Alert Official
5060: TCP,UDP Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Official
5061: TCP Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) over TLS Official
5093: UDP SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) License Administrator Unofficial
5104: TCP IBM Tivoli Framework NetCOOL: Impact HTTP Service Unofficial
5106: TCP A-Talk Common connection Unofficial
5107: TCP A-Talk Remote server connection Unofficial
5110: TCP ProRat Server Unofficial
5121: TCP Neverwinter Nights Unofficial
5154: TCP,UDP Bzflag Official
5176: TCP ConsoleWorks default UI interface Unofficial
5190: TCP ICQ and AOL Instant Messenger Official
5222: TCP Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP, Jabber) client connection (RFC 3920) Official
5223: TCP Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP, Jabber) client connection over SSL Unofficial
5269: TCP Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP, Jabber) server connection (RFC 3920) Official
5298: TCP,UDP Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) link-local messaging Official
5351: TCP,UDP NAT Port Mapping Protocol—client-requested configuration for inbound connections through network address translators Official
5353: UDP Multicast DNS (MDNS) Official
5355: TCP,UDP LLMNR—Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution, allows hosts to perform name resolution for hosts on the same local link (only provided by Windows Vista and Server 2008) Official
5402: TCP,UDP mftp, Stratacache OmniCast content delivery system MFTP file sharing protocol Official
5405: TCP,UDP NetSupport Official
5421: TCP,UDP Net Support 2 Official
5432: TCP,UDP PostgreSQL database system Official
5445: UDP Cisco Unified Video Advantage Unofficial
5495: TCP Applix TM1 Admin server Unofficial
5498: TCP Hotline tracker server connection Unofficial
5499: UDP Hotline tracker server discovery Unofficial
5500: TCP VNC remote desktop protocol—for incoming listening viewer, Hotline control connection Unofficial
5501: TCP Hotline file transfer connection Unofficial
5517: TCP Setiqueue Proxy server client for SETI@Home project Unofficial
5555: TCP Freeciv versions up to 2.0, Hewlett Packard Data Protector, SAP Unofficial
5556: TCP,UDP Freeciv Official
5631: TCP pcANYWHEREdata, Symantec pcAnywhere (version 7.52 and later data Official
5632: UDP pcANYWHEREstat, Symantec pcAnywhere (version 7.52 and later) status Official
5666: TCP NRPE (Nagios) Unofficial
5667: TCP NSCA (Nagios) Unofficial
5723: TCP Operations Manager Unofficial
5800: TCP VNC remote desktop protocol—for use over HTTP Unofficial
5814: TCP,UDP Hewlett-Packard Support Automation (HP OpenView Self-Healing Services) Official
5852: TCP Adeona client: communications to OpenDHT Unofficial
5900: TCP,UDP Virtual Network Computing (VNC) remote desktop protocol (used by Apple Remote Desktop and others) Official
5938: TCP,UDP TeamViewer remote desktop protocol Unofficial
5984: TCP,UDP CouchDB database server Official
5999: TCP CVSup file update tool Unknown
6000: TCP X11—used between an X client and server over the network Official
6001: UDP X11—used between an X client and server over the network Official
6005: TCP Default for BMC Software CONTROL-M: Server—Socket used for communication between CONTROL-M processes—though often changed during installation Official
6005: TCP Default for Camfrog Chat & Cam Client www.camfrog.com Unofficial
6050: TCP Brightstor Arcserve Backup Unofficial
6050: TCP Nortel Software Unofficial
6051: TCP Brightstor Arcserve Backup Unofficial
6072: TCP iOperator Protocol Signal Port Unofficial
6086: TCP PDTP—FTP like file server in a P2P network Official
6100: TCP Vizrt System Unofficial
6101: TCP Backup Exec Agent Browser Unofficial
6110: TCP,UDP softcm, HP Softbench CM Official
6111: TCP,UDP spc, HP Softbench Sub-Process Control Official
6112: TCP,UDP "dtspcd"—a network daemon that accepts requests from clients to execute commands and launch applications remotely Official
6112: TCP Blizzard's Battle.net gaming service, ArenaNet gaming service Unofficial
6112: TCP Club Penguin Disney online game for kids Unofficial
6113: TCP Club Penguin Disney online game for kids Unofficial
6129: TCP DameWare Remote Control Unofficial
6257: UDP WinMX (see also 6699) Unofficial
6346: TCP,UDP gnutella-svc, Gnutella (FrostWire, Limewire, Shareaza, etc.) Official
6347: TCP,UDP gnutella-rtr, Gnutella alternate Official
6389: TCP EMC Clarrion Unofficial
6444: TCP,UDP Sun Grid Engine—Qmaster Service Official
6445: TCP,UDP Sun Grid Engine—Execution Service Official
6502: TCP,UDP Danware Data NetOp Remote Control Unofficial
6522: TCP Gobby (and other libobby-based software) Unofficial
6543: UDP Paradigm Research & Development Jetnet default Unofficial
6566: TCP SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy)—SANE network scanner daemon Unofficial
6571 Windows Live FolderShare client Unofficial
6600: TCP Music Playing Daemon (MPD) Unofficial
6619: TCP,UDP odette-ftps, Odette File Transfer Protocol (OFTP) over TLS: SSL Official
6646: UDP McAfee Network Agent Unofficial
6660–6664: TCP Internet Relay Chat Unofficial
6665–6669: TCP Internet Relay Chat Official
6679: TCP IRC SSL (Secure Internet Relay Chat)—often used Unofficial
6697: TCP IRC SSL (Secure Internet Relay Chat)—often used Unofficial
6699: TCP WinMX (see also 6257) Unofficial
6771: UDP Polycom server broadcast Unofficial
6789: TCP Datalogger Support Software Campbell Scientific Loggernet Software Unofficial
6881–6887: TCP,UDP BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often Unofficial
6888: TCP,UDP MUSE Official
6888: TCP,UDP BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often Unofficial
6889–6890: TCP,UDP BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often Unofficial
6891–6900: TCP,UDP BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often Unofficial
6891–6900: TCP,UDP Windows Live Messenger (File transfer) Unofficial
6901: TCP,UDP Windows Live Messenger (Voice) Unofficial
6901: TCP,UDP BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often Unofficial
6902–6968: TCP,UDP BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often Unofficial
6969: TCP,UDP acmsoda Official
6969: TCP BitTorrent tracker Unofficial
6970–6999: TCP,UDP BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often Unofficial
7000: TCP Default for Vuze's built in HTTPS Bittorrent Tracker Unofficial
7001: TCP Default for BEA WebLogic Server's HTTP server, though often changed during installation Unofficial
7002: TCP Default for BEA WebLogic Server's HTTPS server, though often changed during installation Unofficial
7005: TCP Default for BMC Software CONTROL-M: Server and CONTROL-M: Agent for Agent-to-Server, though often changed during installation Official
7006: TCP Default for BMC Software CONTROL-M: Server and CONTROL-M: Agent for Server-to-Agent, though often changed during installation Official
7010: TCP Default for Cisco AON AMC (AON Management Console) Unofficial
7025: TCP Zimbra LMTP [mailbox]—local mail delivery Unofficial
7047: TCP Zimbra conversion server Unofficial
7133: TCP Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Unofficial
7171: TCP Tibia Unofficial
7306: TCP Zimbra mysql [mailbox] Unofficial
7307: TCP Zimbra mysql [logger] Unofficial
7312: UDP Sibelius License Server Unofficial
7400: TCP,UDP RTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) DDS Discovery Official
7401: TCP,UDP RTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) DDS User-Traffic Official
7402: TCP,UDP RTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) DDS Meta-Traffic Official
7670: TCP BrettspielWelt BSW Boardgame Portal Unofficial
7777: TCP iChat server file transfer proxy Unofficial
7777: TCP Default used by Windows backdoor program tini.exe Unofficial
7831: TCP Default used by Smartlaunch Internet Cafe Administration software Unofficial
7915: TCP Default for YSFlight server Unofficial
8000: TCP,UDP iRDMI (Intel Remote Desktop Management Interface)—sometimes erroneously used instead of port 8080 Official
8000-8001: TCP Commonly used for internet radio streams such as those using SHOUTcast Unofficial
8002: TCP Cisco Systems Unified Call Manager Intercluster Unofficial
8008: TCP HTTP Alternate Official
8008: TCP IBM HTTP Server administration default Unofficial
8010: TCP XMPP: Jabber File transfers Unofficial
8074: TCP Gadu-Gadu Unofficial
8080: TCP HTTP alternate (http_alt)—commonly used for Web proxy and caching server, or for running a Web server as a non-root user Official
8080: TCP Apache Tomcat Unofficial
8080: UDP FilePhile Master: Relay Unofficial
8081: TCP HTTP alternate, e.g. McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) Unofficial
8086: TCP HELM Web Host Automation Windows Control Panel Unofficial
8086: TCP Kaspersky AV Control Center Unofficial
8087: TCP Hosting Accelerator Control Panel Unofficial
8087: UDP Kaspersky AV Control Center Unofficial
8087: TCP SW Soft Plesk Control Panel Unofficial
8090: TCP HTTP Alternate (http_alt_alt)—used as an alternative to port 8080 Unofficial
8118: TCP Privoxy—advertisement-filtering Web proxy Official
8123: TCP Polipo Web proxy Official
8192: TCP Sophos Remote Management System Unofficial
8193: TCP Sophos Remote Management System Unofficial
8194: TCP Sophos Remote Management System Unofficial
8200: TCP GoToMyPC Unofficial
8220: TCP Bloomberg Unofficial
8222 VMware Server Management User Interface (insecure Web interface). See also port 8333 Unofficial
8243: TCP,UDP HTTPS listener for Apache Synapse Official
8280: TCP,UDP HTTP listener for Apache Synapse Official
8291: TCP Winbox—Default on a MikroTik RouterOS for a Windows application used to administer MikroTik RouterOS Unofficial
8294: TCP Bloomberg Unofficial
8333 VMware Server Management User Interface (secure Web interface). See also port 8222 Unofficial
8400: TCP,UDP cvp, Commvault Unified Data Management Official
8443: TCP SW Soft Plesk Control Panel Unofficial
8484: TCP,UDP MapleStory Unofficial
8500: TCP,IPX ColdFusion Macromedia: Adobe ColdFusion default and Duke Nukem 3D—default Unofficial
8501: TCP DukesterX —default Unofficial
8701: UDP SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager Unofficial
8702: UDP SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager Unofficial
8767: UDP TeamSpeak—default Unofficial
8880: UDP cddbp-alt, CD DataBase (CDDB) protocol (CDDBP) alternate Official
8880: TCP cddbp-alt, CD DataBase (CDDB) protocol (CDDBP) alternate Official
8880: TCP WebSphere Application Server SOAP connector default Unofficial
8881: TCP Atlasz Informatics Research Ltd Secure Application Server Unofficial
8882: TCP Atlasz Informatics Research Ltd Secure Application Server Unofficial
8888: TCP,UDP NewsEDGE server Official
8888: TCP Sun Answerbook dwhttpd server (deprecated by docs.sun.com) Unofficial
8888: TCP GNUmp3d HTTP music streaming and Web interface Unofficial
8888: TCP LoLo Catcher HTTP Web interface (www.optiform.com) Unofficial
9000: TCP Buffalo LinkSystem Web access Unofficial
9000: TCP DBGp Unofficial
9000: TCP SqueezeCenter web server & streaming Unofficial
9000: UDP UDPCast Unofficial
9001 cisco-xremote router configuration Unofficial
9001 Tor network default Unofficial
9001: TCP DBGp Proxy Unofficial
9009: TCP,UDP Pichat Server—Peer to peer chat software Official
9030: TCP Tor often used Unofficial
9043: TCP WebSphere Application Server Administration Console secure Unofficial
9050: TCP Tor Unofficial
9051: TCP Tor Unofficial
9060: TCP WebSphere Application Server Administration Console Unofficial
9080: UDP glrpc, Groove Collaboration software GLRPC Official
9080: TCP glrpc, Groove Collaboration software GLRPC Official
9080: TCP WebSphere Application Server HTTP Transport (port 1) default Unofficial
9090: TCP Openfire Administration Console Unofficial
9090: TCP SqueezeCenter control (CLI) Unofficial
9091: TCP Openfire Administration Console (SSL Secured) Unofficial
9100: TCP PDL Data Stream Official
9110: UDP SSMP Message protocol Unofficial
9101 Bacula Director Official
9102 Bacula File Daemon Official
9103 Bacula Storage Daemon Official
9119: TCP,UDP MXit Instant Messenger Official
9300: TCP IBM Cognos 8 SOAP Business Intelligence and Performance Management Unofficial
9418: TCP,UDP git, Git pack transfer service Official
9443: TCP WSO2 Web Services Application Server HTTPS transport (officially WSO2 Tungsten HTTPS Official
9443: TCP WebSphere Application Server HTTP Transport (port 2) default Unofficial
9535: TCP mngsuite, LANDesk Management Suite Remote Control Official
9535: TCP BBOS001, IBM Websphere Application Server (WAS) High Avail Mgr Com Unofficial
9535: UDP mngsuite, LANDesk Management Suite Remote Control Official
9800: TCP,UDP WebDAV Source Official
9800 WebCT e-learning portal Unofficial
9875: TCP Club Penguin Disney online game for kids Unofficial
9898: TCP,UDP MonkeyCom Official
9898: TCP Tripwire - File Integrity Monitoring Software Unofficial
9999 Hydranode—edonkey2000 TELNET control Unofficial
9999: TCP Lantronix UDS-10: UDS100 RS-485 to Ethernet Converter TELNET control Unofficial
9999 Urchin Web Analytics Unofficial
10000 Webmin—Web-based Linux admin tool Unofficial
10000 BackupExec Unofficial
10001: TCP Lantronix UDS-10: UDS100 RS-485 to Ethernet Converter default Unofficial
10008: TCP,UDP Octopus Multiplexer, primary port for the CROMP protocol, which provides a platform-independent means for communication of objects across a network Official
10017 AIX,NeXT, HPUX—rexd daemon control Unofficial
10024: TCP Zimbra smtp [mta]—to amavis from postfix Unofficial
10025: TCP Ximbra smtp [mta]—back to postfix from amavis Unofficial
10050: TCP,UDP Zabbix-Agent Official
10051: TCP,UDP Zabbix-Trapper Official
10113: TCP,UDP NetIQ Endpoint Official
10114: TCP,UDP NetIQ Qcheck Official
10115: TCP,UDP NetIQEndpoint Official
10116: TCP,UDP NetIQ VoIP Assessor Official
10200: TCP FRISK Software International's fpscand virus scanning daemon for Unix platforms Unofficial
10200–10204: TCP FRISK Software International's f-protd virus scanning daemon for Unix platforms Unofficial
10308 Lock-on: Modarn Air Combat Unofficial
10480 SWAT 4 Dedicated Server Unofficial
11211 memcached Unofficial
11235 Savage:Battle for Newerth Server Hosting Unofficial
11294 Blood Quest Online Server Unofficial
11371 OpenPGP HTTP key server Official
11576 IPStor Server management communication Unofficial
12035: UDP Linden Lab viewer to sim Unofficial
12345 NetBus—remote administration tool (often Trojan horse). Also used by NetBuster. Little Fighter 2 (TCP). Unofficial
12975: TCP LogMeIn Hamachi (VPN tunnel software; also port 32976)—used to connect to Mediation Server (bibi.hamachi.cc); will attempt to use SSL (TCP port 443) if both 12975 & 32976 fail to connect Unofficial
12998-12999: UDP Takenaka RDI Mirror World on SL Unofficial
13000–13050: UDP Linden Lab viewer to sim Unofficial
13076: TCP Default for BMC Software CONTROL-M: Enterprise Manager Corba communication, though often changed during installation Official
13720: TCP,UDP Symantec NetBackup—bprd (formerly VERITAS) Official
13721: TCP,UDP Symantec NetBackup—bpdbm (formerly VERITAS) Official
13724: TCP,UDP Symantec Network Utility—vnetd (formerly VERITAS) Official
13782: TCP,UDP Symantec NetBackup—bpcd (formerly VERITAS) Official
13783: TCP,UDP Symantec VOPIED protocol (formerly VERITAS) Official
13785: TCP,UDP Symantec NetBackup Database—nbdb (formerly VERITAS) Official
13786: TCP,UDP Symantec nomdb (formerly VERITAS) Official
14552: TCP Lasso_(programming_language) application service Unofficial
14567: UDP Battlefield 1942 and mods Unofficial
15000: TCP psyBNC Unofficial
15000: TCP Wesnoth Unofficial
15000: TCP hydap, Hypack Hydrographic Software Packages Data Acquisition Official
15000: UDP hydap, Hypack Hydrographic Software Packages Data Acquisition Official
15567: UDP Battlefield Vietnam and mods Unofficial
15345: TCP,UDP XPilot Contact Official
16000: TCP shroudBNC Unofficial
16080: TCP Mac OS X Server Web (HTTP) service with performance cache Unofficial
16384: UDP Iron Mountain Digital online backup Unofficial
16567: UDP Battlefield 2 and mods Unofficial
18180: TCP DART Reporting server Unofficial
19226: TCP Panda Software AdminSecure Communication Agent Unofficial
19638: TCP Ensim Control Panel Unofficial
19771: TCP,UDP Softros LAN Messenger Unofficial
19813: TCP 4D database Client Server Communication Unofficial
19880: TCP Softros LAN Messenger Unofficial
20000 DNP (Distributed Network Protocol), a protocol used in SCADA systems between communicating RTU's and IED's Official
20000 Usermin, Web-based user tool Unofficial
20014: TCP DART Reporting server Unofficial
20720: TCP Symantec i3 Web GUI server Unofficial
22347: TCP,UDP WibuKey, WIBU-SYSTEMS AG Software protection system Official
22350: TCP,UDP CodeMeter, WIBU-SYSTEMS AG Software protection system Official
23073 Soldat Dedictaed Server Unofficial
23513 Duke Nukem Ports Unofficial
24444 NetBeans integrated development environment Unofficial
24554: TCP,UDP BINKP, Fidonet mail transfers over TCP: IP Official
24800 Synergy: keyboard: mouse sharing software Unofficial
24842 StepMania: Online: Dance Dance Revolution Simulator Unofficial
25999: TCP Xfire Unofficial
26000: TCP,UDP id Software's Quake server Official
26000: TCP CCP's EVE Online Online gaming MMORPG Unofficial
26900: TCP CCP's EVE Online Online gaming MMORPG Unofficial
26901: TCP CCP's EVE Online Online gaming MMORPG Unofficial
27000: UDP (through 27006) id Software's QuakeWorld master server Unofficial
27010 Half-Life and its mods, such as Counter-Strike Unofficial
27015 Half-Life and its mods, such as Counter-Strike Unofficial
27374 Sub7 default. Most script kiddies do not change from this. Unofficial
27500: UDP (through 27900) id Software's QuakeWorld Unofficial
27888: UDP Kaillera server Unofficial
27900 (through 27901) Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Unofficial
27901: UDP (through 27910) id Software's Quake II master server Unofficial
27960: UDP (through 27969) Activision's Enemy Territory and id Software's Quake III Arena and Quake III and some ioquake3 derived games Unofficial
28001 Starsiege: Tribes Common: default Tribes v.1 Server Unofficial
28395: TCP www.SmartSystemsLLC.com Used by Smart Sale® 5.0 Unofficial
28910 Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Unofficial
28960 Call of Duty 2 Common Call of Duty 2 (PC Version) Unofficial
28961 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Common Call of Duty 4 (PC Version) Unofficial
29900 (through 29901) Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Unofficial
29920 Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Unofficial
30000 Pokemon Netbattle Unofficial
30564: TCP Multiplicity: keyboard: mouse: clipboard sharing software Unofficial
31337: TCP Back Orifice—remote administration tool (often Trojan horse) Unofficial
31415 ThoughtSignal—Server Communication Service (often Informational) Unofficial
31456: TCP TetriNET IRC gateway on some servers Unofficial
31457: TCP TetriNET Official
31458: TCP TetriNET Used for game spectators Unofficial
32245: TCP MMTSG-mutualed over MMT (encrypted transmission) Unofficial
32976: TCP LogMeIn Hamachi (VPN tunnel software; also port 12975)—used to connect to Mediation Server (bibi.hamachi.cc); will attempt to use SSL (TCP port 443) if both 12975 & 32976 fail to connect Unofficial
33434: TCP,UDP traceroute Official
34443 Linksys PSUS4 print server Unofficial
37777: TCP Digital Video Recorder hardware Unofficial
36963 Counter Strike 2D multiplayer (2D clone of popular CounterStrike computer game) Unofficial
40000: TCP,UDP SafetyNET p Real-time Industrial Ethernet protocol Official
43594–43595: TCP RuneScape Unofficial
47808: TCP,UDP BACnet Building Automation and Control Networks Official
49151: TCP,UDP Reserved Official

[網路連接埠] 和 [所需的 Windows Live Messenger 2009 工作的 URL]


下表會列出網路連接埠的 Windows Live Messenger 必須使用特定的功能,來使用。

功能 連接埠
在 [Messenger] 服務登入 TCP 80,443、 1863
網路偵測TCP 7001
UDP 9 7001
語音和視訊 (V / V)Messenger VOIP 伺服器的語音和視訊服務的呼叫建立的接聽 1863 的連接埠 443,] 和 [80。
直接在兩個端點之間流動的媒體 (直接或透過轉接伺服器) 透過 UDP 或 TCP,可以使用任何可用的連接埠。
音訊 (舊版) *UDP 5004-65535
網路攝影機影像 」 和 「 視訊對話TCP 80
TCP / UDP 5000-65535
檔案傳輸TCP 443 1863
TCP / UDP 1025-65535
白板和應用程式共用TCP 1503
「 遠端協助 」TCP 3389
TCP / UDP 49152-65535
Windows Live CallTCP 443 5061
UDP 5004 65525
遊戲TCP 80,443、 1863
TCP / UDP 1025-65535

* 這些連接埠用於當您連線到在 「 傳統 」 (舊的版本) 透過連絡人時用戶端程式,(如 MSN Messenger 5.0。


下列表格會列出 Windows Live Messenger 連線到的 URL。

URL 函式
https://Login.live.com (https://Login.live.com) HTTP over SSL (HTTPS) 驗證的 Windows Live ID 及取得 x509 憑證安全性對等式-(p2p) 連線的共用資料夾功能
http://Login.live.com (http://Login.live.com) Windows Live ID 的 HTTP 驗證
https://*.contacts.msn.com (https://*.contacts.msn.com) 若要取得連絡人的清單
https://*.storage.msn.com (https://*.storage.msn.com) 使用者並排顯示的儲存區、 個人狀態訊息和顯示名稱的使用者這樣使用者可以有相同的資訊集在所有 Windows Live 經驗工作] 和 [家用電腦中,(Simple Object Access Protocol [SOAP] 透過 HTTPS)
http://*.storage.msn.com (http://*.storage.msn.com) 儲存使用者並排顯示 (HTTP DAV) 」 和 「 從使用者的 Windows Live 分享空間中取得圖片
http://c.msn.com (http://c.msn.com) 設定的匿名唯一 ID 使用者個人化 Windows Live 經驗
http://*.messenger.msn.com (http://*.messenger.msn.com) 不同的核心 Messenger 作業
http://g.msn.com (http://g.msn.com) 重新導向用於追蹤特定的頁面 URL 的開始至 Microsoft 網站的 URL
http://crl.microsoft.com (http://crl.microsoft.com) 若要存取最新的憑證撤銷清單 (CRL) 檢查憑證的有效性
http://messenger.hotmail.com:1863 (http://messenger.hotmail.com:1863) Messenger 伺服器的通訊通道,Microsoft 通知通訊協定 (MSNP) 的訊息
http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com (http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com) Messenger 萬一防火牆封鎖連接埠,可以使用此閘道 over HTTP
http://config.messenger.msn.com (http://config.messenger.msn.com) 下載 Messenger 用戶端所使用的組態資訊
https://ows.messenger.msn.com (https://ows.messenger.msn.com) 傳送離線訊息
https://rsi.hotmail.com (https://rsi.hotmail.com) 收到離線訊息
http://sqm.microsoft.com (http://sqm.microsoft.com) 上載的服務品質監控 (SQM) 資料,給 Microsoft (會轉移任何個人資訊 [PII)。
http://*.edge.messenger.live.com (http://*.edge.messenger.live.com) 各種核心 Messenger 作業,例如,回應用來建立對等式-(p2p) 通訊,當用戶端防火牆後面的兩個 Messenger 用戶端之間的直接連線的伺服器
http://relay.data.edge.messenger.live.com (http://relay.data.edge.messenger.live.com) 用來傳輸 (檔案、 語音或視訊) 的二進位資料的媒體轉接
http://rad.msn.com (http://rad.msn.com) 如果要下載廣告內容顯示在用戶端,並且下載臨贊助者的個人運算式內容,例如顯示圖片和表情符號
http://appdirectory.messenger.msn.com (http://appdirectory.messenger.msn.com) Messenger 的應用程式內執行的 Messenger 活動 / 遊戲應用程式使用
https://images.messenger.msn.com (https://images.messenger.msn.com) Messenger 影像檔案
http://spaces.live.com (http://spaces.live.com) 連絡人的卡
http://relay.voice.messenger.msn.com (http://relay.voice.messenger.msn.com) 使用語音的媒體轉接
http://sup.live.com (http://sup.live.com) 要取得 「 什麼 ’s 新 」 清單
http://sup.live.com/whatsnew/whatsnewservice.asmx (http://sup.live.com/whatsnew/whatsnewservice.asmx) 社交資訊的更新服務的服務 URL
http://vp.sip.messenger.msn.com (http://vp.sip.messenger.msn.com) SIP Proxy 的舊版和 Interop 語音和視訊的呼叫,與其他服務 (for Mac,Office Communicator 的 Messenger)

請注意 有一些驗證的 Proxy 伺服器背後的電腦的使用者可能會遇到的登入問題。 它們可能需要設定 Proxy 伺服器強制驗證下列使用者代理字串:
MSN Explorer / 9.0 (MSN 8.0; TmstmpExt)
請參閱您的 Proxy 伺服器文件或連絡您的網路系統管理員。

  • Windows Live Messenger
kbmt kbpubtypekc kbinfo kbmessengerportal kbsurveynew KB960820 KbMtzh



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虛擬系統軟體VirtualBox 2.2.0 正式版

VirtualBox 2.2.0正式版
來源: Linux論壇  日期: 2009.04.09 09:33
最早是德國一家軟體公司InnoTek所開發的虛擬系統軟體,後來被Sun收購,改名為Sun VirtualBox,性能有很大的提高.因為他是開源的,不同於VM,而且功能強大,可以在 Linux/Mac Windows 主機中運行,並 支援在其中安裝 Windows (NT 4.02000XPServer 2003Vista)DOS/Windows 3.xLinux (2.4 2.6)OpenBSD 等系列的客戶作業系統.假如你曾經有用過虛擬機軟體的經歷的話,相信使用 VirtualBox 不在話下。即便你是一個新手,也沒有關係。VirtualBox 提供了詳細的文檔,可以助你在短期內入門。

下載:VirtualBox 2.2.0
訪問:VirtualBox 2.2.0

The screenshots below show several impressions while running VirtualBox 1.5 on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and Solaris platforms:

VirtualBox for Mac OS X. One virtual machine is running in seamless mode on Leopard. Note the realtime preview of the virtual machine in the dock.
VirtualBox for Mac OS X, currently in beta test. Two virtual machines are visible: one with Windows Vista, another with Gentoo Linux.
Creating a new, empty VM for installing Windows Vista.
The new VM in the VirtualBox main window. Note that an ISO file (containing the Vista setup CD) has been mounted as the VM's CD-ROM drive.
After starting the VM, it boots off the virtual CD-ROM (the ISO file with the Vista setup), and Vista Setup starts up.
Vista is installing into the virtual hard drive.
Vista install complete: the log-on screen.
Compiling VirtualBox on Ubuntu Edgy Eft in VirtualBox on Windows XP.
Details of a snapshot performed after Vista installation. We can revert the virtual machine to this snapshot at a later time.
Damn Small Linux 2.0 works damn well in VirtualBox!
The Virtual Disk Manager allows you to work with VM images.
VirtualBox in Vista inside VirtualBox on XP? Perhaps some day...
A community-based effort is underway to port VirtualBox to OS/2 hosts. This screenshot shows a first alpha version.

VirtualBox 2.2.0 (released 2009-08-04)

This version is a major update. The following major new features were added:

* OVF (Open Virtualization Format) appliance import and export (see chapter 3.8, Importing and exporting virtual machines, User Manual page 55)
* Host-only networking mode (see chapter 6.7, Host-only networking, User Manual page 88)
* Hypervisor optimizations with significant performance gains for high context switching rates
* Raised the memory limit for VMs on 64-bit hosts to 16GB
* VT-x/AMD-V are enabled by default for newly created virtual machines
* USB (OHCI & EHCI) is enabled by default for newly created virtual machines (Qt GUI only)
* Experimental USB support for OpenSolaris hosts
* Shared folders for Solaris and OpenSolaris guests
* OpenGL 3D acceleration for Linux and Solaris guests (see chapter 4.8, Hardware 3D acceleration (OpenGL), User Manual page 70)
* Added C API in addition to C++, Java, Python and Web Services

In addition, the following items were fixed and/or added:

* VMM: FreeBSD guest related fix for V86 flags (bug #2342)
* VMM: fixed guru meditation when booting an AsteriskNow Linux VM (bug #2342)
* VMM: fixed PGMPOOLKIND_FREE guru meditation (bugs #3356, #3431)
* VMM: fixed Windows XP boot hang (guest PAE + nested paging only)
* VMM: allow mixing of VT-x/AMD-V and software virtualization
* VMM: fixed extremely slow safe mode booting in e.g. Windows 2008 (VT-x/AMD-V only)
* VMM: significant speedup of certain GRUB boot loaders (e.g. Solaris) (VT-x/AMD-V only)
* VMM: real-mode IOPL fix for DOS guests (VT-x only)
* VMM: fixed VT-x detection with certain BIOSes that enable VT-x, but don’t set the lock bit in MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL
* VMM: fixed hibernation issues on Windows XP hosts (VT-x only; bug #1794)
* VMM: properly emulate RDMSR from the TSC MSR, should fix some NetBSD guests
* VMM: emulate RDPMC; fixes Windows guests crashes when using the Kaspersky virus scanner (bug #1778)
* NAT: fixed truncated downloads (FTP) (bug #3257)
* NAT: blocked UDP packets caused a crash (bug #3426)
* NAT: allow to configure the next server and the boot file via VBoxManage (bug #2759)
* IDE: fixed hard disk upgrade from XML-1.2 settings (bug #1518)
* Hard disk: support more VMDK file variants (including fixed-size ESX server images)
* Hard disks: refuse to start the VM if a disk image is not writable
* USB: further reduced host CPU utilization for OHCI and EHCI; the “VBoxInternal/Devices/usb-ohci/0/Config/FrameRate” CFG key is no longer necessary and no longer supported
* USB: fixed BSOD on the host with certain USB devices (Windows hosts only; bug #1654)
* E1000: properly handle cable disconnects (bug #3421)
* VRDP: fixed hangs when VRDP server is enabled or disabled in runtime
* Shared folders: respect umask settings on Linux, OSX and Solaris hosts when creating files
* X11 guests: prevented setting the locale in vboxmouse, as this caused problems with Turkish locales (bug #3563)
* X11 guests: show the guest mouse pointer at the right position if the virtual desktop is larger than the guest resolution (bug #2306)
* Linux additions: fixed typo when detecting Xorg 1.6 (bug #3555)
* Solaris guests: added xpg4/xcu4 dependency to the guest additions installer (bug #3524)
* Windows guests: bind the VBoxMouse.sys filter driver to the correct guest pointing device (bug #1324)
* Windows hosts: fixed BSOD when starting a VM with enabled host interface (bug #3414)
* Linux hosts: do proper reference counting to prevent unloading the vboxnetflt module as long as this code is in use (bug #3104)
* Linux hosts: do not leave zombies of VBoxSysInfo.sh (bug #3586)
* Linux installers: fixes for Slackware, Arch Linux and Linux from Scratch systems
* Windows installers: combined installer executable which contains both (32- and 64-bit) architectures.
* VBoxManage: less cryptic command-line error messages
* VBoxManage list vms commands now default to compact format
* VBoxManage controlvm dvdattach did not work if the image was attached before
* VBoxManage: allow creation of all supported disk image variants
* VBoxManage showvminfo: don’t spam the release log if the additions don’t support statistics information (bug #3457)
* VBoxManage: big command line processing cleanup, the legacy single-dash options are deprecated and will be removed in the next major release, so switch to the new options now
* Hard disks: improved immutable disk support to auto-reset diff file at VM startup (related to bug #2772)
* GUI: enable the audio adapter by default for new VMs
* GUI: warn if VT-x/AMD-V is not operational when starting a 64-bit guest
* GUI: deactivate 64-bit guest support when the host CPU does not support VT-x/AMD-V
* GUI: removed floppy icon from the status bar
* GUI: show build revision in about dialog
* GUI: fixed sticky status bar text
* GUI: improved error dialogs
* GUI: fail with an appropriate error message when trying to boot a read-only disk image (bug #1745)
* GUI/Mac OS X: fixed disabled close button
* GUI/Windows: re-enabled support for copy and paste (Windows hosts 2.0 regression; bug #2065)
* 3D support: added OpenGL select/feedback support (bug #2920)
* 3D support: close OpenGL subsystem for terminated guest applications (bug #3243)
* 3D support: fixed VM hangs when starting guests with 3D acceleration enabled (bug #3437)
* PXE: fixed boot hangs when hardware virtualization is used (bug #2536)
* LsiLogic: fixed problems with Solaris guests

2009年4月5日 星期日

Office 2003、Office XP 或 Office 2000 的使用者如何使用 Office 2007 的新檔案格式?

相容性套件安裝說明:Office 2003、Office XP 或 Office 2000 的使用者如何使用 Office 2007 的新檔案格式?
Office 2003、Office XP 或 Office 2000 的使用者在收到別人寄來的附加檔案為 Office 2007 的檔案格式時 (附檔名為 docx、pptx 或 xslx),可能出現下列畫面而無法開啟檔案:
狀況 1:舊版 Office 可以辨識檔案格式,但因尚未安裝相容性套件而無法開啟 Office 2007 檔案格式。

狀況 2:無法辨識檔案格式,但因尚未安裝相容性套件而無法開啟 Office 2007 檔案格式。

01:請點選此 連結,進入 "Microsoft Office Word、Excel 及 PowerPoint 2007 檔案格式相容性
套件" 下載頁面。

03:請點選『執行』 (Note:執行前請先結束所有 Office 應用程式)。

04:接著您會收到 Internet Explorer 安全性警告,請直接點選『執行』。

05:進入到 2007 Office system 相容性套件,請將下方『按一下這裡以接受 Microsoft 軟體授權條款。(A)』


07:請點選『確定』/ 安裝完成。

支援的作業系統: Windows 2000 Service Pack 4; Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP Service Pack 1; Windows XP Service Pack 2
建議使用下列 Microsoft Office 程式:
  • Microsoft Word 2000 Service Pack 3、Microsoft Excel 2000 Service Pack 3 及 Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 Service Pack 3
  • Microsoft Word 2002 Service Pack 3、Microsoft Excel 2002 Service Pack 3 及 Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 Service Pack 3
  • Microsoft Office Word 2003 Service Pack 1 (以上)、Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Service Pack 1 (以上) 及 Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 Service Pack 1 (以上)
  • Microsoft Office Word Viewer 2003
  • Microsoft Office Excel Viewer 2003
  • Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer 2003
Microsoft Office XP 和 Word、Excel 或 PowerPoint 2003 程式的使用者 - 請在下載相容性套件前,先由 Microsoft Update 安裝所有高優先性的更新。
在具備 Microsoft Office 2000、Office XP 或 Office 2003,同時也安裝相容性套件的情形下,您將可以使用 Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint 2007 的新檔案格式開啟、編輯與儲存檔案。此相容性套件還可以與 Microsoft Office Word Viewer 2003、Excel Viewer 2003 及 PowerPoint Viewer 2003 合併使用,檢視以這些新的格式儲存的檔案。 如需相容性套件的詳細資訊,請參閱 知識庫文件 924074

相容性套件安裝說明:Office 2003、Office XP 或 Office 2000 的使用者如何使用 Office 2007 的新
新副檔名與 Office 2007 新檔案格式簡介 NEW
改變工作環境的解決方案–全新的 Microsoft Office 2007 使用者介面
專業文件的製造機–您永遠的好夥伴 Word 2007
有效地分析及溝通資訊–數據大師 Excel 2007
迅速專業的簡報製造機–簡報專家PowerPoint 2007
操作簡單功能完整的訊息管理工具 - 個人資訊管理系統 Outlook 2007
