2009年9月24日 星期四

Free Mail Server for Windows

Free Mail Server for Windows

Windows Server 2003 introduced a POP3 component, which, along with the already existing SMTP component made a complete Email Server on Windows. But this combination was never adapted widely due to various limitations. Specifically the SMTP component lacked most security features needed for any robust mail server. Microsoft did not make the built in SMTP and POP3 components feature complete for obvious reasons. Doing so would make Exchange Server a less attractive solution. Windows 2008 completely dropped the POP3 component!

Fortunately, there are several great Email solutions available on Windows today, and some of them are completely free! Searching for free Mail Server for Windows however is a little tricky. It is because every commercial software offers 'Free Downloads' and the search engines have a hard time in distinguishing 'Free Mail Server' from 'Free Download of a Commercial Product'. I am going to list a few Email Servers for Windows that I am familiar with, just in case you were looking for a reliable but free Email solution on Windows.

List of Free Email Servers for Windows


  • One of the two Open Source Mail Servers for Windows!
  • Windows only, not cross platform.
  • Features many security and filtering options
  • Long and active development.
  • Uses SQL server or MySQL Server as mail storage.
  • Does not include a Webmail interface, but you can use any POP3 or IMAP compatible Webmail solution with it.
  • Very easy to install and configure.


  • Another Open Source and Free Mail Server for Windows.
  • Multi platform, also available on Linux/Unix etc.
  • Very stable, long and active development.
  • Configuration is via tab delimited files, and may require some learning.
  • Webmail not included, use your own.
  • In my opinion, not as feature rich as the hMailServer, but still a very good option.

MailEnable Standard

  • Free version of a commercial software.
  • No limitations on the number of Users or Domains. However, many advanced features are not available in the free edition.
  • Webmail, IMAP and Anti-SPAM features not included.

SmarterMail by SmarterTools

  • Free edition of this commercial software allows one domain with unlimited users.
  • Feature rich.
  • Developed with .NET, with Web based administration and Webmail, Web Services etc.
  • Active development, now coming with version 5.x.

Mercury Mail Server for Windows

  • Free for non commercial use.
  • Also available for Novel Netware.
  • Feature rich, developed by the creator of Pegasus Mail Client.
  • SMTP, POP3 and IMAP, but no Webmail.
  • I have no personal experience with this one.

Some of these Free Email Servers are supported by popular hosting control panels.

You may also want to check out Macallam Mail Solution for Windows, which is a relatively new product but seems promising. The free edition has allows a maximum of 128 user accounts.

website from:http://www.haiders.net/post/Free-Mail-Server-for-Windows.aspx

2009年9月22日 星期二

什么是 SAF-TE?

SAF-TE : SCSI Access Fault-Tolerant Encolsure Interface Specification

定義一組SCSI Command,用來設定硬碟的狀態,hot-swap 硬碟 slot狀態和取得硬碟櫃的環境狀態。這些命令通常為機殼廠所用,用來顯示目前硬碟的狀態,諸如 "rebuilding", "fault", " hot spare"。
SAF-TE command通常由硬碟控制器發出,或是由software RAID軟體發出,所以SCSI BUS上的裝置都可以取得command的內容,藉以判斷硬碟的狀態。
另外SAF-TE command也可以用來回報硬碟的環境資料,像溫度,電壓,風扇狀態。

http://www.safte.org/ 這個網站目前負責SAF-TE的相關規定。

但是詳細的spec好像在intel網站才有,download的SAF-TE 說明如下:

SAF-TE interface的目的是提供一個公開,非專屬的BUS,讓所有hard disk和raid廠商能順利的和enclosure, packaging製造商的裝置整合在一起。經由這一個interface,讓packaging, enclosure的製造商能夠取得hard drive, raid上的狀態資料。

據有6年raid backpanel RD經驗的Roy所說,SAF-TE 原本經過SCSI command來取得資料,因為SCSI bus的特性,有SAF-TE 功能的裝置可以是SCSI上的controller,在SCSI bus idle期間,藉由SAF-TE Command,經由SCSI bus向所有SCSCI BUS上的裝置詢問資料,並且在需要的時候,向mainboard controller回報各裝置的狀態。

SAF-TE 利用SCSI command中的User Define Command set,定義自己需要的command。所以可以和SCSI完全相容。

原 來SAF-TE是架構在SCSI 上,但是後來也為他bus(IDE,,,)使用,但是因為IDE並非SCSI的multi-master架構,所以SAF-TE的implement方式 就有所不同,SAF-TE controller不經由IDE bus詢問device資料,而由獨立的,另外的hardware detection pin來偵測,回報的途徑也改為從I2C。
這樣的裝置,就需要mainboard用I2C bus定期的polling。


Linux的SAF-TE Monitot Tool 在 http://oss.metaparadigm.com/safte-monitor/ 但是這個好像是針對SCSI,follow homepage的instruction,經由cvs checkout source。
readme 上說這個program很cool,default是以一個daemon來run,並且將結果log在system log,但是也可以用 -p option,只執行一次。也可以利用port 8123,接收http GET command,產生html格式的報表。

參考網頁 http://my.opera.com/checko/blog/?startidx=20

什么是 SAF-TE?

SAF-TE 是 SCSI Accessed Fault-Tolerant Enclosures 的缩写。

STOP:c000021a unknown Hard Error

STOP:c000021a unknown Hard Error




以上轉載 自 http://www.pcdvd.com.tw/showthread.php?t=671150

發生「STOP: c000021a (嚴重的系統錯誤)」錯誤

參考微軟網站 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/330303/zh-tw

STOP:c000021a unknown Hard Error 這一定是一個陰謀

參考Mobile01 首頁 http://www.shopping01.com/topicdetail.php?f=174&t=1201639&p=1&img=0

原帖由 Seiko 於 2007-8-11 11:25 發表
請問在死機前, 有沒有見到"winlogon.exe發生錯誤"的警告?

因為頭先上網查, 發現有至少三個原因, 導致以上的錯誤:
1) 磁碟有壞磁區
2) 軟件與硬件互相衝突
3) 中了(木馬)病毒

如果你有Bart PE的話, 你可以check下部 ...

參考網頁 http://www.hkitalk.net/HKiTalk2/viewthread.php?tid=227394

[i=s] 本帖最後由 G-PLUS 於 2009-4-18 04:57 編輯 [/i]

STOP:c000021a Unknown Hard Error沒遇過,

參考網頁 http://ck101.com/archiver/tid-1450680.html

微軟搜尋結果相關 http://support.microsoft.com/search/default.aspx?catalog=LCID%3d1028&spid=global&query=c000021a&adv=&mode=r&cat=False&range=41-60

[WinXP] STOP: c000021a Unknown Hard Error 解決方法


開機後會出現 winlogon.exe 應用程式錯誤之類的訊息,會詢問 user 是否要進行偵錯;不過不論是按確定或取消,最後就會進入 Windows 常見的藍白畫面,出現以下訊息:

STOP:c000021a Unknown Hard Error