2009年7月30日 星期四


適用於: Microsoft Office Outlook 2007




在您撰寫並送出郵件後,網際網路服務提供者 (ISP) (ISP:一種商務行為,提供對網際網路的存取,以使用諸如電子郵件、聊天室或全球資訊網等服務。部分 ISP 是跨國性的,提供在許多位置的存取:而其他 ISP 僅限指定地區使用。) 的電子郵件伺服器會處理郵件。如果郵件的收件者在您的電子郵件伺服器上沒有信箱,電子郵件伺服器會將郵件轉送至其他電子郵件伺服器。郵件會在伺服器之間轉送。它可能會經過很多電子郵件伺服器,直到抵達收件者擁有信箱的電子郵件伺服器為止。

從郵件剛建立開始,會不斷新增相關資訊到郵件的隱藏區段 (又稱為網際網路標題) 中。此資訊包含詳細技術資料,如郵件建立者、用來撰寫郵件的軟體及郵件送達前所經過的電子郵件伺服器。您可以使用這些細節來辨識電子郵件訊息中的問題或協助尋找不需要的商業電子郵件的來源。

附註 在 郵件標題中提供假資訊的做法是目前越來越嚴重的問題。這也稱為欺詐。例如,郵件可能標示來自保險公司的林光明 (eric@alpineskihouse.com),而實際上是來自大宗電子郵件服務,目的是要促銷商品、快速致富。因此,在您生氣地回覆這類郵件之 前,請記住,標題資訊可能是偽造的。

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  1. 開啟郵件。
  2. [郵件] 索引標籤上,按一下 [選項] 群組中的 [對話方塊啟動器] 圖示圖像

    [郵件選項] 對話方塊中,標題會顯示在 [網際網路標題] 方塊內。

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舉例來說,孫家銘和葉慧玲以電子郵件互相連絡。孫家銘的電子郵件地址為 anton@proseware.com,而葉慧玲的電子郵件地址為 kelly@litwareinc.com。葉慧玲使用 Microsoft Office Outlook 2007。葉慧玲傳送給孫家銘的郵件中,相關的網際網路標題如下:

Microsoft Mail Internet Headers Version 2.0
Received: from mail.litwareinc.com ([]) by mail.proseware.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.0);
Wed, 12 Dec 2007 13:39:22 -0800
Received: from mail ([] RDNS failed) by mail.litware.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.0);
Wed, 12 Dec 2007 13:38:49 -0800
From: "Kelly J. Weadock"
Subject: Review of staff assignments
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 13:38:31 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook, Build 12.0.4210
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1165
Thread-Index: AcON3CInEwkfLOQsQGeK8VCv3M+ipA==
Return-Path: kelly@litware.com
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 12 Dec 2007 21:38:50.0145 (UTC)

附註 標題範例可能不包含您的電子郵件標題的所有項目。這些都是最常見的項目。

當葉慧玲傳送電子郵件至 anton@proseware.com,她是在電腦上撰寫郵件,並識別為 (i101-177.nv.litwareinc.com)。撰寫的文字從她的電腦傳送至軟體公司的電子郵件伺服器 (mail.litwareinc.com)。這是葉慧玲最後會在她的電子郵件上看到的,因為以後的處理是由電子郵件伺服器進行,而且她不需要介入。當葉 慧玲的電子郵件伺服器收到給 anton@proseware.com 的郵件時,它會連絡 Proseware 的電子郵件伺服器,然後將郵件傳送給它。該郵件會儲存在 proseware.com 伺服器上,直到孫家銘檢查他的 Proseware 電子郵件為止。

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Microsoft Mail Internet Headers Version 2.0

此標題是由 Outlook 加上的。

Received: from mail.litwareinc.com ([]) by mail.proseware.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.0);
Wed, 12 Dec 2007 13:39:22 -0800

此資訊說明該郵件是在 2007 年 12 月 12 日星期三,太平洋標準時間 (比格林威治標準時間晚 8 小時,因此為 "-0800") 下午 1 點 39 分 22 秒進行傳送的。

Received: from mail ([] RDNS failed) by mail.litware.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.0);
Wed, 12 Dec 2007 13:38:49 -0800

此郵件是在 2007 年 12 月 12 日星期三,太平洋標準時間 (比格林威治標準時間晚 8 小時,因此為 "-0800") 下午 1 點 38 分 49 秒進行傳送的。

From: "Kelly J. Weadock"

此郵件是葉慧玲從電子郵件地址 kelly@litware.com傳送過來的。





附註 密件副本 (Bcc) 不會顯示在標題。

Subject: Review of staff assignments


Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 13:38:31 -0800

這會指出電子郵件傳送的日期和時間 (與寄件者電腦時鐘相同)。

MIME-Version: 1.0

此參數指定寄件者使用的 MIME 通訊協定版本。

Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

這是其他的 MIME 標題。它會告訴與 MIME 相容的電子郵件程式該郵件內容可能會是什麼類型。

X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook, Build 12.0.4210

此資訊指出該郵件是使用 Microsoft Office Outlook 版本 12.0.4210 傳送。

X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1165

此項目指示寄件者使用的電子郵件軟體 (MIME OLE 軟體)。

Thread-Index: AcON3CInEwkfLOQsQGeK8VCv3M+ipA==

此標題是用於將多個郵件與類似的執行緒產生關聯。例如,在 Outlook 中,對話檢視使用此資訊在同一交流記錄中尋找郵件。

Return-Path: kelly@litware.com



此編號已由 mail.litware.com 指定給郵件,做為識別之用。這個 ID 會永遠與此郵件相關。

X-OriginalArrivalTime: 12 Dec 2007 21:38:50.0145 (UTC)

這是當郵件第一次經由執行 Microsoft Exchange 的伺服器傳送時所加上的時間戳記。

使用自動填入名稱功能 (自動完成)

適用於: Microsoft Office Outlook 2007




自動完成功能預設是開啟的,而且會針對您在下列情況中 輸入的名稱顯示建議:

  • 電子郵件訊息中的 [收件者][副本][密件副本] 方塊。
  • 會議邀請、工作及共用要求中的 [收件者] 方塊。
  • 連絡人卡片中的 [電子郵件] 欄位。


按一下您想要輸入方塊中的名稱。如果您正使用鍵盤,請使用向上鍵或向下鍵來選取名稱,然後按下 ENTER (或 TAB) 鍵。如果沒有任何建議與您輸入的名稱相符,請繼續輸入。下次您輸入該名稱時,自動完成功能將會記住您所輸入的名稱。


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  1. 使用向上鍵或向下鍵來選取不需要的名稱或電子郵件地址。
  2. 按下 DELETE 鍵。

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  1. 在 [工具] 功能表上,按一下 [選項]。
  2. 在 [偏好] 索引標籤上,按一下 [電子郵件選項],然後按一下 [進階電子郵件選項]。
  3. 取消選取 [在完成 [收件者]、[副本] 和 [密件副本] 欄位時建議名稱] 核取方塊。

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重要事項 您必須先結束 Microsoft Office Outlook,才能開始進行下列程序。重新啟動 Outlook 時,自動完成清單便會包含這些名稱。

  1. 在您的舊電腦上,選擇下列其中之一:
    • Microsoft Windows XP 前往 drive:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook。
    • Windows Vista 前往 drive:\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook。

    附註 這個資料夾可能會隱藏起來,視您的檔案設定而定。


    • Windows Vista
      1. 按一下 [開始] 按鈕,然後按一下 [控制台]
      2. 按一下 [外觀及個人化]

        附註 如果您在 [傳統檢視] 中使用 [控制台],請按兩下 [資料夾選項],跳到步驟 4。

      3. 按一下 [資料夾選項]
      4. [檢視] 索引標籤的 [進階設定] 下,於 [檔案和資料夾][隱藏檔案和資料夾] 下,選取 [顯示所有檔案和資料夾]
    • Windows XP
      1. 按一下 [開始] 按鈕,然後按一下 [控制台]
      2. 按一下 [資料夾選項]

        [備份選項] 對話方塊

      3. 按一下 [檢視] 索引標籤,然後按一下 [隱藏檔案和資料夾] 選項。

  2. 以滑鼠右鍵按一下 profile name.nk2,然後按一下 [複製]

    秘訣 您可以將此檔案複製到卸除式媒體 (例如磁片或光碟片),然後再將此檔案複製到新電腦上的正確位置。或者,您也可以將此檔案附加至電子郵件訊息,然後將此郵件寄給自己。在新電腦上,於 Outlook 中開啟附件,然後將此檔案儲存到正確的位置。

  3. 在您要填入自動完成清單的電腦上,選擇下列其中之一:
    • Microsoft Windows XP 以滑鼠右鍵按一下 drive:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook 中的任何位置,然後按一下 [貼上] 以儲存 profile name.nk2。
    • Windows Vista 以滑鼠右鍵按一下 drive:\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook 中的任何位置,然後按一下 [貼上] 以儲存 profile name.nk2。
  4. 如果在您移動 .nk2 檔的電腦上 Outlook 使用者設定檔名稱不同,將此檔案複製到正確的資料夾之後,您就必須使用新電腦上使用的 Outlook 使用者設定檔名稱來重新命名此檔案。例如,如果您從使用 Outlook 使用者設定檔名稱 Kim Akers的原始電腦移動 Kim Akers.nk2,然後將 Kim Akers.nk2 檔複製到新電腦,就必須使用新電腦上使用的 Outlook 設定檔名稱來重新命名此檔案。
  5. 當取代現有檔案的提示出現時,請按一下 [是]
  6. 開啟 Outlook 檢視對自動完成清單所做的變更。


適用於: Microsoft Office Outlook 2007


  1. [工具] 功能表上,按一下 [選項]
  2. [偏好] 索引標籤上按一下 [電子郵件選項],再按 [進階電子郵件選項]
  3. 選取或取消選取 [在完成 [收件者]、[副本] 和 [密件副本] 欄位時建議名稱] 核取方塊。

自動完成的功能是從 Outlook XP(2002) 才開始提供,先前版本的 Outlook,請輸入幾個字母之後,按下 Alt + K 進行 [檢查名稱]

about to send out an email with a mistake.

Avoid Common Emailing Mistakes that Look Unprofessional and Waste Valuable Time

Dear Microsoft® Outlook ® User

Are you making any of these mistakes when writing and sending out emails?

Seemingly trivial mistakes made when sending out emails can make your emails look unprofessional. They can cause unnecessary delays in getting your full message across and waste valuable time (and money if your time is billable).

Have you ever ..
  • Forgotten to attach an important file to an email
  • Had an email blocked because it got sent out with an empty subject
  • Accidentally clicked Reply to All (instead of Reply) on an email and informed too many people of confidential information
  • Accidentally clicked Reply (instead of Reply to All) on an email and then wasted your precious time going back to keep everyone in the loop
  • Sent an email using the wrong email account
  • Wrote and sent an email that you wanted to call back


Microsoft 產品技術支援週期

搜尋Microsoft 產品技術支援週期




2009年7月26日 星期日


What is the CBL?

The CBL takes its source data from very large spamtraps/mail infrastructures, and only lists IPs exhibiting characteristics which are specific to open proxies of various sorts (HTTP, socks, AnalogX, wingate etc) and dedicated Spam BOTs which have been abused to send spam, worms/viruses that do their own direct mail transmission, or some types of trojan-horse or "stealth" spamware, dictionary mail harvesters etc.

NEW! The CBL also lists certain portions of SpamBot infrastructure, such as Spam BOT/virus infector download web sites, and other web sites or name servers exclusively dedicated to the use of Spam BOTs. Considerable care is taken to avoid listing IP addresses that have are or are likely to be shared with legitimate use, except in the case of infector download websites.

In other words, the CBL only lists IPs that have attempted email connections to one of our servers in such a way as to indicate that the sending IP is infected, OR, IPs specifically dedicated to the propagation/use of Spam BOTs.


Spamhaus tracks the Internet's Spammers, Spam Gangs and Spam Services, provides dependable realtime anti-spam protection for Internet networks, and works with Law Enforcement to identify and pursue spammers worldwide.



NJABL.ORG is Not Just Another Bogus List. This effort began out of frustration with the amount of spam coming into our networks and with the lack of options for an existing dnsbl with policies and stability we could live with. NJABL.ORG maintains a list of known and potential spam sources (open relays, open proxies, open form to mail HTTP gateways, dynamic IP pools, and direct spammers) for the purpose of being able to tag or refuse email and prevent at least some spam. We do not block email. We just provide a tool for network/system/mail administrators to use to protect their mail servers from email abuse. Our goal is to provide a stable and effective dnsbl with clearly stated and strictly adhered to criteria for listing.

Why are you blocking my email?

We're not.

If you're trying to send email to somebody and your message was returned with an error message referencing this site, your intended recipient's mail server most likely rejected the message based on your mail server's or your computer's IP address being in the list we maintain. This is most likely due to your mail server being misconfigured as an open relay or your computer's IP address being listed as a dynamic/dial-up IP. In most cases, this means your Internet Service Provider needs to be informed, as they will need to secure their mail server and have it removed from the list or make provisions to accept mail from your computer even though your IP is in our list. If you or your organization run your own mail server, you'll have to inform whoever maintains your mail server so they can fix it and remove it from the list.

If you're having trouble receiving email from people who used to be able to send you email, it's possible your ISP or whoever runs the mail server your mail is delivered to is using our list or one or more of several dozen other anti-spam dnsbls. Without seeing the exact error message received by the person who tried to email you, it's impossible to say if the server they send their email through is in our list or any other list. In this case, your best bet is to contact the ISP who's mail server appears to be listed and notify them of the problem. They will have to deal with whatever problem caused their system to be listed, find out which lists they're in, and do what they can to get off of them.

Again, we do not block email. Mail server administrators may use the information we maintain to either tag or reject email on their servers. This is a policy decision they have made. If you object to the idea of your mail being rejected just because it goes through an open relay or other type of spam source, contact your Internet Service Provider or those who maintain the system that rejected your email. We cannot change their policy.

Do not send us email complaining about this. We cannot help you. Only the people who maintain the misconfigured mail server can fix the problem. In most cases, this means you should forward the error message to your service provider or your organization's IT staff. That way they can contact us if necessary, fix their mail server, and remove their mail server's IP from the list.